Personal Goals that Inspire and Motivate

Personal Goals that Inspire and Motivate

Are you feeling motivated to set some strong goals for this year? Write down those New Year’s resolutions and get going, right? Most people write down lofty resolutions that they think they should want and rarely stick to them, losing motivation and focus within three weeks of their “good intentions.”

This is a brand-new year of limitless possibilities. Do you want to:

Increase your income?
Write a book?
Attract a relationship?
Start a new business?
Become a professional speaker?
Have more personal time?
Take a really great holiday?

I have a gut feeling it is going to be a GREAT year, a BIG SUCCESS year. So, forget writing down resolutions. They don’t work. In fact, the whole idea doesn’t

 really inspire action. So, lets change that.

Start thinking about 3-5 things you want, really want for yourself this year. Not what you should want, or what you think would please others. Dream a little. Think big. What are you passionate about? Entertain several ideas that make you smile, excite you, make you giggle, make you feel really good inside, no holds barred. Remove all mental barriers to holding these ideas clearly in your mind.

Now, put your attention fully on one of the things you want for yourself this year. Visualise and see yourself already there, living it! Creative visualisation is a powerful tool of attraction. Our minds cannot tell the difference between something real and something intensely imagined. Hold that picture in your mind. (Do this daily!)

Does this picture excite you – make you want to have it?

How would your life change if you got (achieved) this one thing you really want?

What would you have in your life that you don’t have now?

Now, the next step is very important. You must decide to go for it. Choose to have what you really want NOW, not someday or tomorrow. NOW. Say YES to yourself instead of saying no. Making the decision fuels your intent to take action.

3 Tips to Get on Track

1. On paper, clearly describe the 3-5 things you really want. I suggest using statements beginning with the phrase” I intend to”. Don’t use “I want”, “I hope for”, “I wish to”, “I’d like”, “I desire” etc. as these are too wishy-washy. Taking a stand with strong definitive statements reflects your commitment to succeed. (This first step is important in creating your road map to achieving your goals. If you don’t define the results you want, how do you know where you are going?). Feel like being creative? Make a collage or dream board for a visual aid in keeping your focus.

2. Moving forward, break down your action steps into smaller steps over a shorter time period like 30 days. For example: your goal is to increase your income, your first step may be to explore options to generate more money. Another step may be to look at your skills and talents for further ideas. A third step may be choosing something you have always wanted to do, something that you love that has the potential for additional income. Maybe it’s a total change of career. The first month may be devoted to doing research and personal exploration.

3. Identify potential obstacles and struggles that could prevent you from reaching your goals. Develop strategies to keep yourself motivated and focused such as reading and listening to positive materials, surrounding yourself with encouraging, uplifting people, joining a mastermind group. HIRE A COACH! Note: let go of using the “money excuse” that you can’t afford to get what you want. Invest in your success. It costs money to make money. How much do you think NO is costing you to stay where you are?

5 Tips to Stay on Track

1. Resolve unfinished business. Either clear the past (make apologies, speak your mind, forgive someone or yourself) and let it go.

2. Stay strong, if you are feeling FEAR. Bring your attention back to the present. Fear creates uncertainty, worrisome and anxiety producing thoughts. (“What if” thinking, Am I going to be okay?) Fear looks at the future and worse case scenarios. Focus on past successes for confidence.

3. Eliminate negativity. Notice the chatter in your head. How do your emotions speak to you inside? What you think affects how you view a situation. Ever heard the phrase self-fulfilling prophecy? Your viewpoint affects your decisions and actions; therefore, your attitude directly affects the outcome. Take a look at the people you associate with. Are they uplifting or do they bring you down? Be selective about who you are with, being around consistently negative or fearful people is draining and disheartening.

4. Keep up your self-care. Taking good care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually is a key factor in staying strong and focused under pressure.

5. Celebrate along the way. Taking the time to recognise measurable successes motivates continual commitment to your goals.

“The big challenge is to become all that you have the possibility of becoming. You cannot believe what it does to the human spirit to maximise your human potential and stretch yourself to the limit.” Jim Rohn

How Does Motivation Work?

Learning how motivation works will help you to accept responsibility for your behaviour, for your actions and positive attitude. In reality motivation comes from a person’s belief, which helps them to achieve their goal. Purpose, Desire, Direction and Dedication are the qualities necessary to experience real motivation.

People motivate themselves by understanding their needs and wants. It could be Tangible Gifts, Rewards or Intangible growth, Appreciation, Recognition and a lot more, as it varies from person to person. How does motivation work in your case? If you Understand how motivation works for you, then your Internal Motivation will drive you to achieve your goals and lead you toward success.

People motivate themselves by inculcating in themselves, the belief responsible for actions and behaviour and creating a vision that helps them to outweigh the challenges that might come before them and accept their responsibilities in life. Lack of motivation brings life to a standstill, failure or fear of failure demotivates people and their pattern of their everyday life. Whilst a motivated person has a spark in their eyes, always looks for new challenges and ways they can improve themselves.

It could be said that real motivation starts from within a person based on how their needs are being consistently met. Without going into a long drawn out explanation of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs I will state some of the conclusions. The most basic of needs stated by Abraham Maslow was the need to survive. Until that need is consistently met the other needs for all practical purposes cease to exist. Once that need is met then the individual is now ready to fulfil the other needs that may exist for themselves. These can be readily determined by their own specific paradigm of life. A person’s paradigm is just the LENSES they tend to consistently see life through. A set of beliefs that colour their experience and interpretation of all that surrounds them. There is no real change until a person’s paradigm changes. But the motivation to make a paradigm change leads us to the next section.


If you are a person who is disciplined, goal-oriented, organised and instant, it means that you have the skills to motivate yourself. It means that you have a sense of achievement and that’s how motivation actually works. For you to become the person that you are today.

Motivation is temporary and short lived and hence it needs to be strengthened constantly to succeed. Negative thoughts and anxiety come into play and we can become demotivated and dubious about our future. However, just by accepting the challenges to move forward, one can get motivated as you will have the will and commitment to be successful, Accepting the failures, learning it as a lesson in life, helps us to move on to the next stage of success.


Self-motivated person knows the trick to get motivated after a disappointment and accepts the next obstacle that comes along. A motivated individual understands his thoughts and emotions, learns how to nurture them into a positive outcome, that keeps them focused on the next goal instead of being Complacent.

Here is a motivational video that will help you set your day – Video